Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hairpiece, sideburns and Hot 'n' Cold

The Baseballs is a German band of Rock roll that they have jumped to the reputation for his brilliant versions type years 50 of successes of the moment like “Umbrella“ of Rhianna, “Hot ‘n Cold” of Kate Perry or “Don't shah” of Pussycat Dolls.
Although they end up by turning into something repetitive, they are glad to do "covers" that is tremendous.
Here I leave a video to you with his “Hot'n cold”. Do not say to me in the comments that they are not buenérrimos:

Shooo-wap, shooo-wap... yooou chaaaange your miiiind like to giiiirl changes cloooothes...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dawson Grows: too pedantic

I do not know if you remember that used announcement of a Renault Clio in which a chief was scolding his young man and rebel. The boss was saying to him that it was coming late to the work, which was answering to the manager, who was dressing inappropriately, that was touching the saxophone in the nights... and in the end the chief was cracking such something like that that "and it is that, as Kant says, there are certain things that, to know them well, he is not enough to have learned".
The young man and rebel employee was recognizing the charges that were imputing to him simultaneously that was indicating the very prepared thing that was for the work and, before going away of the office of the chief, he was correcting him indicating to him that the appointment did not belong to Kant, but to Séneca. The announcement was finishing with a sign that it was putting "JASP: Young people Aunque Sobradamente Preparados".
Yes, yes, it us escapes from nobody that the young man and rebel employee will be doing today a short course of the unemployment and will continue with the same Clio. But it is not of that thing about what he wanted to speak, but of that, up to where I manage to remember, that one was the first product of that I have steadfastness destined to gafapastas, culturetas and assimilated (and it is that only it was necessary to the chief to accuse him of going every Thursday to the film library to see Kurdish movies in subtitled original version).
Another big product of massive consumption that memory of these times focused towards a public that today we would recognize as gafapasta or cultureta is the series Dawson Grows. In fact all that today we are somehow gafapastas or culturetas we share having been followers of Dawson It grows, at least of his first two or three periods.
Let's say it, the people, it is necessary to say it: the personages of Dawson It Grows they were muuuuuy pedantic. Today one looks at them and thinks things as "but what damage it has done to these Capeside uncles to read to Marcel Proust with thirteen years" or "what bad digestion they have done of the movie of the camel that cries".
Tender and sweet Joey was ending up by turning out to be brutally slow, was getting angry with Dawson for a few ununderstandable metaphysical rolls and they were giving a few tremendous desire of extinguishing the television when he was getting indignant about trifles. Pacey could not be any more genio-atormentado-maldito-bohemio-rebelde-inconformista-pasota...ílo had everything to be hated! Normal that he and Joey will finish together.
The series they keep on restoring in the autonomic television. Seeing it a moment while it had breakfast another day I realized that, undoubtedly, the most normal of all was Jen, who after all had love as mundane as the sex and the drugs. And they go and it is loaded in the last episode! Why so much do I hate, misters producers of Dawson It Grows? Why so much do I hate?!
[Something rare is happening in the comments... only there are seen all the comments that have made if he devotes himself to "publishing a comment"... what so rare action... must have given him a roll chungo to blogger] Watch House S06E15 Black Hole now

Friday, March 19, 2010

The best of the week, for Punts of Sight

Àngels brings to us from Punts of Sight his selection of the more emphasized of the red blogosfera of between published last week. You are already being late in going to his blog to see on what he comments to us on the written for Antonio, Antoni, Toni, There was tolling, Rafa, Fight, Álvaro, Kings, Inés, Marina and Víctor.

Watch The Simpsons S21E14 Postcards from the Wedge now

The permanent lynching in the Basque Country

An alarm generalized by the lynching seems to exist mediático to the one that surrendered to a father the one that was accused of violating and killing his daughter, it having been demonstrated at last that it was false: his daughter might have died for a medical mistake and it was not presenting any violation sign. Some companies of communication seem to appear timidly reformed prostitutes after the monumental shit.
More than thirty young people has being lynched for days, without some judgment coming up, reproaching itself them to be members of a terrorist band. Some of the arrested have been photographed openly and handcuffed. Since it has being the general keynote since I have memory, publicity has not been given to the fact of which any of them are already in the street, without having been reasons to keep them imprisoned.
In the second case, of course, the most minimal constriction not even act exists on the part of the companies of communication: for them valid stone beatings keep on existing, and his communicative strategy as regards the Basque conflict is the permanent lynching to anyone that could coincide politically with the part of the left grouped Basque nationalist I half-close Batasuna.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Knife grinders: two questions and a confession

For your street does the knife grinder keep on happening? Another day I saw one for the TV in a program on Romania and remembered the quantity of time that I do not listen to it. I refuse to think that they should have become extinct: knives keep on existing and there keeps on existing the need to have them sharp (and let's admit that the level of sharpened that one achieves with the emery stone that we have all at home is very much regulero …)
For my people it does that I do not hear spending the time milk. Of course it happens to them as to the Tawny Vulture and only they survive in some places of the country … it would fuck to have to go to Caceres or to Guadalajara to a “reservation of knife grinders” to manage well sharpened.
Another thing on that he wanted to comment to you …: in all the places were they doing the same claim sound? In mine they were touching a such melody that this way: "fiurururruuuuu … fururururiuuuuu” (first towards sharp, and then it was doing seriously - you will have noticed my brutal solfa knowledge: eh?-). In yours ditto? Those who live close to one “reservation of knife grinders” and they listen like hundreds of them do simultaneously the claim in epoch of matching they me will be able to consist easily to this second question.
And now a confession: for Tutatis who up to good brought in in years (I suppose that in some age understood between doing the communion dressed in marinerito and the exit of the first protomostacho) was thinking that “fiurururruuuuu … fururururiuuuuu” it was the sound that the gentleman was doing knife grinder on having realized his work. Since he was living in the fourth apartment and was not going so far as to see how it was sharpening the tool, it had the conviction that, on having shocked the knife against the stone, the onlooker was going out sonidillo. Until one day I saw the above-mentioned one in motorcycle giving to the whistle - flautilla. What disappointment.

Not... I can... stop... of... to see...

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I do not join the manifesto

I am very few "culofino" at the time of adhering to any document or campaign with which he shares the essential nucleus from what it defends. I will do today an exception: in case of called “Manifesto in defense of the fundamental rights in Internet”, since it has defenders in abundance, one will be allowed to present my discrepancies, although I share enough points of those that it indicates (especially, clearly, the relative one to that without judicial order could close web pages):
The isolated number 5 of the Manifesto seems to me that it commits an outrage seriously against the values of the left. He says this way: "The authors, like all the workers, have right to live of his work with new creative ideas, business models and activities associated with his creations. To try to support with legislative changes to an obsolete industry that he cannot adapt himself to this new environment is neither just nor realistic”.
As my friend J.E says.: “has nobody realized the left that this point serves to justify to stop supporting certain sectors of the economy that are not profitable? Another thing is that I think that the Government should be wrong betting for this model supporting specifically in the cultural environment, but this point establishes like foundation (…) that the State should not support not profitable industrial sectors”.
This leads me to thinking that many people of lefts who has joined the manifesto have done it acríticamente, without reading it to him, because still with a diagonal glimpse the above-mentioned point sings already.
A manifesto that should not want to incur the same everlasting common places has to point out that the copyright is not the enemy. Under capitalist production conditions, the woodworkers do furniture, and my friend Morán does cómics. There is recognized after the woodworker the right to charge for the furniture that it sells, and my friend Morán would not have why to have to support that big companies of discharge will make a profit offering the creations of my companion.
Another thing is, clearly, that he has not sense that the woodworker receives for whenever his furniture is used, and that my friend Morán claims that he recovers whenever someone reads his cómics (thing that, obviously, he does not claim). The canon has not anything in common with what I say: we all agree in hating it.
And the fact is that a thing there are the tremendously reasonable and brilliant postulates that the people as Richard Stallman or Lawrence Lessig defend, and another thing is to think that the episode to unburden myself of Megaupload of Lost of the week (thing that I do, certainly) is a right that I have like Internet user. They have not anything in common. The ideological construction that has made rock great to itself to have the calm conscience while the episode unburdens itself of Lost is tremendous.
Quoting SuperSantiEgo: "he does not stop being an onlooker that we are so loose managing the rights of reproduction of the others and then us chiné so much that the he-goat of our neighbor us mangue a little of wifi”. If out an eccentric millionaire would do a T-shirt to me with this phrase, which reflects to the perfection the hypocrisy of any this one fluttered of pesudorevolucionarios postadolescent digitalises.
A serious debate needs on this one topic that moves away from the everlasting topics. While that does not happen, we will have of a side a few he-goats who manage improperly a few copyright, and of other a few types that they create that as they have capacity of unload things free, this is a fundamental right. And in the crossfire, paying the consequences of so much irrationality, my friend Morán.
The manifesto continues in this one dynamic of dumb trenches for being acrítico with the second group of human beings.
I do not chatter any more, that I want to see before eating the Californication episode that I have just bent.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Here also he conquered the reason

I am slightly used to celebrating victories … so much that when one takes place (as the victory of MORE with Evo Morales) finds it hard to the head to be super happily … unlike when defeats take place (like that of frustrated comeback of Aminetu to his hearth) that I become sad and annoy at once.
Perhaps it is the absence of custom … or perhaps be something related to the ideology: the socialism seems to be so jodidamente far that is never a good moment to uncork a bottle … with every step that advances one is taking conscience of the difficulty of reaching the final targets.
Leaving aside the metaphysical bullshit I half-close to the happiness and the socialism, today he is one day old to celebrate: if a coup d'état it does not prevent, in Bolivia it will keep on governing for the sake of the majorities.
I was in the middle of September in Leganés, at once of meeting with Evo Morales, and took a very good image of how the support structure is organized in Madrid to the revolution in Bolivia. There were thousands of persons seeing the President and, what is more important, the majority were Latin-American (Bolivians in particular there were loads).
One notices that there is rock being employed at it in Madrid, so much Spanish partners of left (serve as example that I saw the day of the act for Carabanchel to a car with two IUCM partners inside, announcing the act for megaphones placed in the roof – one was Esther Gómez, and right now I do not remember another crew member-), as Bolivians. And the results in the elections it seems that they answer to the good work: Evo has been most voted in our country, and specifically in Madrid it has extracted 5.097 votes opposite to the 3.180 of the PPB. Here also he conquered the reason.
[Related earnings: "Video of the speech of Evo in Leganés" of Nonentities; and "Photos of the Meeting with Evo" of Ceronegativo]

The red week

You are already late in go away to pass for "Abloguear abloguear" and to see what weekly selection it has made to us Viul. There plug tells us cosituated on a menda, Angels, Kabila, Flies, Zeros, Iñaki,
Steel, Hugo and León. And the next week: Álvaro!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Test of Measurement of the Index of Molonidad

In the period of time understood between 1997 and 2009, the Norwegian sociologist Jan Nilsson (creator of the “Unsolvable Question of Marx-Harnecker”) he dedicated big efforts to develop a test that was allowing to know, by means of a simple and very brief questionnaire, how socially marvelous it was turning out to be a subject. As soon as there was developed the above mentioned “Test of Measurement of the Index of Molonidad”, some of the most prestigious magazines of anthropology (“Superpop“, “Brave“ y "Costs" between them) struggled to publish exclusive the study.
Needless to say that none of the above mentioned weekly papers achieved that Jan Nilsson was transferring his seducers economic offers, this one deciding to offer to free title his academic work to the blog that now you read.
Without much ado delay here I offer you the Test consisting of six questions at first unconnected. Note down your answers in order to arrange it with the results that appear in the final part:
1 - The glasses of your house …
A) They are those of Nongranary refused, you do not conceive another type of glass.
B) There are millennial duralex glasses: they belonged to your grandmother, and earlier to the grandmother of your grandmother. Glasses like that are not already made.
C) There are a few sad glasses of the Ikea. You cannot make sad.
2 - You have learned to read with …
A) The Pussy cat.
B) Letrilandia.
C) You are functionally illiterate.
3 - The pleasantry of the dog “Mistetas“ …
A) It is, of course, between your habitual jokes repertoire.
B) You know it, but you thought that it was prohibited to count it between human beings with age superior to 8 years.
C) You are a gray type that has no had infancy: you do not know the pleasantry of the dog “Mistetas“.
4 - Your folder of the institute …
A) It was full of lyrics of Eskorbuto and The Prick Records.
B) It had TOI'S adherent stickers (“toi quemao”, “toi colgao” …)
C) You were using rucksack: you needed two hands to defend yourself from the campions.
5 - Of the brothers Scott …
A) You belong to Tony.
B) You prefer Ridley.
C) You are an ancient face and you do not understand the question.
6 - When in a shop you happen for a detector of stolen objects …
A) You press the bottom, being afraid that it sounds.
B) You relax the buttocks trusting in your innocence.
C) To your bottom him the detectors of stolen objects are indifferent.
Every answer "A" Supreme 5 points, every answer "B" supreme 3 and every answer "C" costs 1. If you have obtained:
- Less than 10 points: you are a being that in general not molas not at all. When you go to the forest the wolves light bonfires so that you do not approach. You do not please.
- Between 11 and 24 points: you are sufficiently molón as to have proper section in the cult blog “Malvenido to Gori”.
- 25 points from now on: molas so much that you might inform in a performance of “I Gotta Feeling” of the University of Quebec. You cannot molar any more:

Y... yes, really, everything was a mere claim so that you saw this video. One cheats you with a facility... pobrecillos.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I walk trying to find out …

… of what does it happen as regards the incorporation of El Salvador to the Alliance Bolivariana for the Peoples of Our America (DAWN) and, hence, of the current relation between the President Funes and the FMLN.
I have ahead three news about similar dates with contradictory informations: one of the 7th that points out that “the Government of El Salvador analyzes his incorporation at the DAWN”, other one of the 11th says that “Funes drifts apart from the FMLN and pushes the incorporation of El Salvador back at the DAWN”, and finally one of the 12th where I read that “the FMLN wants connections with the USA and also to be in the DAWN”.
If someone is a little put in the topic and explains moderately guay the situation to me, I will put in the right margin of this one blog a banner in his honor like sample of agradecimiento*.
Thanks for anticipated, my dear bailiffs.
*El banner it will remain there during a pair of weeks or until the world destroys (what comes first).

Acquittal and repair for Egunkaria

The recent history has known multiple abuses and committed nonsenses taking the struggle as an excuse against ETA. Some of this outrage were so sangrantes like the retreat of the right of passive suffrage to persons against whom some legal decision was not coming up in his against that it was endorsing such a decision, damaging the right of political participation (article 23 of texto-que-a·n-no-ha-entrado-en-vigor-en-sus-partes-mßs-importantes-conocido-popularmente-como - "Constitution - Spaniard") with a tool in the hand (the LOPP) that can only limit the right of association (article 22 of texto-que-a·n-no-ha-entrado-en-vigor-en-sus-partes-mßs-importantes-conocido-popularmente-como - "Constitution - Spaniard"). But of between all the injustices possibly he stands out (for his brutal and clear arbitrariness and his well-known despotism) the closing of the newspaper in Basque Egunkaria.
Seven years after the National Hearing was closing the newspaper, today there exists already neither accusation of the District attorney's office nor particular accusation. The process goes forward sustained on the popular accusation exercised by the “Association of Victims of terrorism” and the “Association Dignity and Justice”.
This one made breaks with the doctrine marked by the Supreme Court in the case Booty, when it was established that the popular accusations cannot ask for the opening of oral judgment when the District attorney's office and the harmed ones have desisted from the cause. In case of Egunkaria particular accusation never existed, and in the relative thing to the public accusation the District attorney's office takes three years supporting that there is no base to support the cause. What I conclude that for Booty it was not sufficient, it seems that yes it it will be in case of five of the persons in charge of Egunkaria.
For blush of the State that is said “about Right”, it is necessary to remember that five of the persons stopped by the case Egunkaria were imprisoned by this process during long periods of time (one of them more than one year and a half, and other one more than twenty-one months).
To the closing (that was considered to be "provisional" by the National Hearing, and that at first was six months) he was followed by extensions that have achieved the definitive disappearance of the way. There 180 human beings were working.
Today there begins the trial against two ex-directors and three ex-members of the council of administration of the newspaper Egunkaria, who should have the support of all the persons with a minimal democratic sensibility.
To finish, a few recommended readings:
On the case in general: a very good entry in “Great Whom It Includes”, where you will find a few interesting ties to the key questions of the process.
On the chiripitiflaúticas accusations of the "AVT" and “Dignity and Justice”: the article of Carmen Lamarca, titular teacher of Criminal law of the University Carlos III of Madrid.
[Related entry: "The permanent lynching in the Basque Country"]

"If the climate was a bank, already they would have saved it"

The intervention of Hugo Chávez (as spokesman of the countries of the DAWN) in the Summit of the Climate change of Copenhagen is the biggest concentration of truths for second that it has happened in an international forum from the intervention of Erdogan in Davos.
The complete speech of the President of Venezuela can be read here.
For the most vague, here I leave summarized part of his intervention to you:
"When the empire speaks about freedom, he speaks about the freedom to oppress, to invade, to murder, to annihilate, to exploit, this is his freedom and Rousseau adds the saving phrase: only the law liberates.
There are some countries that are playing to that here there is no document, because precisely they do not want a law, they do not want a norm, because the nonexistence of this norm allows them to play his exploitative freedom, his sweeping freedom. Let's do an effort and let's press here and in the streets so that here a commitment goes out, there goes out a document that he compromises to the most powerful countries of the ground."
"A bogey covers the streets of Copenhagen and walks between us in this room: this frightful bogey that almost nobody wants to name is the capitalism"
"To save to the human species it is necessary to change the system (...) if the capitalism resists, we are forced to give the battle and to open the ways of the salvation of the human species, raising the flags of the equality, of the justice and of the real humanism".
"The thesis of the capitalism, the infinite policy of economic development, is a destructive model, let's accept it."
And to all this I say: "Ramén!".

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I thought that it was understood …

The political documents cannot enter, for material impossibility, to gather all the positions on the totality of the matters about which a political organization as Izquierda Unida there will be of posicionarse: what is done is to plan a general program with a few plan of action, which will have to be moved to the concrete case applying the reason and the common sense.
It is not a necessary explicitar in the documents, for example, that Izquierda Unida is opposed energetically to the ablation of the clitoris to the women. This aspect is something so obvious and deductible of the rational, sensitive and feminist orientation of IU that is presupposed. Being like that, if any militant or leader of Izquierda Unida will demonstrate favorably to the feminine genital mutilation it would be violating the political documents, although not explicitara in them the opposition of the organization to this one class of aberrant practices.
Taking it previously said like premise, I always thought that if in Izquierda Unida there was no explicit position in the political documents about the tauromachy it was because the opposition was understood to this one. The opposition to the animal torture is something so obvious and deductible of the rational, sensitive and environmental orientation of IU that is presupposed. It seems that it is not like that, and that the IU position on the topic will have to be debated in the organs (I do not know if it will limit itself to the organs of the federation of Madrid or will rise up to the federal organs, preventing from turning to give this one type of situation in any other place).
It looks like to me a wasting time to have to come to a few organs that with almost all probability will be pronounced unanimously about posicionar to Izquierda Unida against the form of animal maltreatment known as “bullfights“: traditionally this one organization has endorsing initiatives that do not leave place to doubts like the presented one not long ago any more than one year in the Congress of the Deputies that took as an object to chase “the authorized animal torture” (where in his explanatory preamble things as sensible were said as that “it is already time to stop disgracing and to appear if the tradition justifies everything”). Even considering it a wasting time, I suppose that every cloud has a silver lining: it will be a good moment to reaffirm our anti-bullfighting character of explicit form, trying to extend with our efforts to the rest of Spain the happy initiative that seems that it will prosper in Catalonia.
[Related earnings: "6 bullfighting lies 6" of Student and: "Organs? To me what organs?" of Who Great It Includes]

Laso has died

José Maria Laso was of the essential ones. He lived through 83 well well used years. His life passed “from Bilbao to Oviedo happening for the penalty of Burgos”. It fought like nobody, it was imprisoned, tortured, he contributed decisively to the Gramsci introduction in our country, and turned possibly into the maximum expert in the Alternative Use of the Right in Spain.
To him they did not double him either, nor broke him, nor domesticated him. It was of those that it seemed that they were never going to be missing. We will lack him very much.
Up to always Laso!

Friday, March 12, 2010

That thing about the "happy solstice" seems a little vulgar to me...

I have noticing that between some not believers the practice spreads of replacing the traditional congratulations or holidays of religious type with others of "pagan" type. The thing would be "repaganizar" what one day was pagan but on which that placed a religious holiday, for example the solstice of invierto that was turned into Christian Christmas.
Before thinking about this, I believe adapted to point out that it seems brilliant to me that everyone celebrates what everyone makes happier to him, whenever the others are done by the due respect. If he makes happy to someone to disguise itself in Halloween instead of in Carnival, or to do it two days or none of the two, or that the gifts an Armadillo brings them to itself instead of Santa Claus, or this one instead of Magi, or straight not to give him anything in these dates: it seems brilliant to me! Everyone has to look for his happy way of life in the life. Sometimes that happens for making happy those who surround you, although it supposes celebrating some things that not always are of the taste of one.
Returning to the topic: does he suppose any advance laicista celebrating, for example, the winter solstice instead of the Christmas? We might think that while the solstice us is common to all the human beings, the Christmas only it would be to those that they take part of the Christian celebration. Perhaps to advocate the solstice had something of instigator in some moment and could serve like protest against the dealing preferable that social and institutionally he enjoys the Christmas … if it had something of instigator, I believe that it has lost it.
Personally doing apology of the winter solstice seems ridiculous to me. Yes, the solstice supposes that the Sun comes to one of his tropics, and in the north hemisphere the hours of light begin increasing, while in the south hemisphere everything opposite happens. Is more lay to produce cult to a physical phenomenon than to mystical one? To turn the science (be the astronomy, the physics or the mathematics) into something mystical does not seem progressive at all to me, rather everything opposite. I do not believe that to produce cult to the “law of the gravity” or to one “fenotipo recessive” is an advance with regard to celebrating the day in which a guy was born. Equal they are walked.
Paganizar the Christmas more than than it is already paganizada me takes a fancy complicated. And the merit I believe that it is not of the movement laicista: the English Cut went forward us. We owe to the society of current consumption that the Christmas is what at present we know: a time where the people with luck have a good time of a few days of holidays, where those who have the opportunity meet his families and have dinner together and if the pocket allows them a few gifts are done.
To celebrate the solstice instead of the Christmas is to change a very numerous flock of sheep into less numerous other. Before two irrational things (a holiday based on the cult to an astrological phenomenon or another cradle in the birth of a being with superpowers - Jesus Christ-) I remain with the one that is inspired by the type with superpowers, because already of making slightly irrational mola put in the irrationality up to the fund. To celebrate the solstice is like disguising itself in Carnival by half. Since someone disguises himself or takes part in an irrational cult, I believe that it is suitable to be implied well. Already set to do the chorras …
Certainly, what mola of having a blog is that you can repeat what you have said one year ago, and almost nobody remembers. I have an incredible cheek.

Hosts movies (in political key)

Have you seen “300“? When I went out of the movies I thought that it has just seen (in spite of being a mammoth production of Hollywood) something like anti-imperialistic unproved statement that they put to you of tapadillo between host and host.
We are going to see: they present the Spartans of the movie like a small people who lives to his way (with some better things and worse others), which they refuse to be submitted, and which they face arrogantly to a powerful empire and morally much more decadent than they. A bearded uncle leads them with firm convictions on the value of the freedom and the independence of his people. Coño, reread it: they are clearly Cuban! The Yankee ones are the Persian empire, and Bay of Pigs is the Termópilas!
The case is that I commented to a partner of political militancy on it and nearly it me rattles to cookies: "Silly Yes? The message be clearly the other way round: the Persians are the Iranians or any culture that they consider that it threatens the freedom of the USA, and the Spartans there is the noble North American people that faces value and decision this powerful threat to liberate with his example and his force to the entire world. It seems that Bush Jr did the script”.
“I will have understood it badly”, I took up office.
The case is that another day I went to see “Incarnation“. They had spoken to me so badly about her that, on having gone with the low expectations, me moló. Yes, it is basically “Pocahontas-Bailando with Wolves The Last Samurai” but with more explosions and the blue people … nevertheless are quite entertaining and 3-D it is well integrated to the movie. It is not any peliculón that will go down in history, but one allows to see.

Summing up, the argument goes from that the Americans come to a planet very rich in a mineral that produces energy, and to extract it they do not hesitate to massacre the natives of the above mentioned planet (three meters beings who live in harmony with “the Pachamama” - it goes, that if viveran in the ground they would vote in mass for Evo Morales-). The conductive thread is the love story between a paralytic American soldier and a blue native (the Yankee one remains prendado of the indigenous way of life, it changes of edict and bla bla bla).
An anti-imperialistic unproved statement looked like to me enough facilón and it obviated ….pero on having finished the movie, punished by the scolding of that partner on “300“, I said to the companion that mine was seated nearby in the movies: "It hears, the three meters blue natives were representing the North American people that faces value and decision this powerful threat for the freedom that it is the Iranians and Al-Qaeda represented in the movie by the Yankee army, which think about how to finish with his traditional way of life, not?”.
My companion nearly me rattles to cookies: "Silly Yes? The Yankee ones of the movie be the Yankee ones of the reality, and the blue natives be the peoples that suffer the imperialist aggression for the control of the scarce natural resources”.
“Joer, I do not give one”, I took up office.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Navarrese stage

To gain him the political heart of the menda who here writes it is enough to have four sensible ideas clear. That's why I practise “the faith cayista”: Key Lara looks like to me a human being with a simple, didactic, coherent speech with the values of the left, without being given either to big ideological straws or to rare ambiguities.
So following these simple, clear and sensible parameters in which I like that the people move in politics, I cannot but to start the year declaring my new romance with IUN-NEB, who has begun in 2010 pushing the invitation done from Aralar back to integrate the organization in Nafarroa-Bai.
And a place has not been gained in my bed for pushing without much ado the mentioned invitation back, but for having done it with the clear ideas: what it supports and cohesiona to Na-Bai it is his ascription to the Basque nationalism. The vaquismo is the cement that allows to support the unit of this coalition, allowing to agglutinate in his bosom parties of rights and lefts. While the politics is prioritized identitarias* on the progressive positions, there they will not find IUN-NEB.
A simple, lucid, serene, reasonable and coherent idea. To start well the year I do not need any more.
*priorización of the "national thing" on the "social thing" that is even recognized by members of the proper Na-Bai: there be read the analysis of Batzarre (of November of 2.0009) where it is considered to be the existence of a message “excessively nationalist - Basque”.
[Entry related in Nonentities: "IU of Navarre: you have made me happy the day"]

Simple intention for 2010: to stop being of the R. Madrid

With the Sporting in soccer and the Students in basketball, already I have enough happy moments and griefs.
From I stop ALREADY of empatizar mentally with Real Madrid.
And the fact is that Real Madrid me falls down, in general lines, badly: I do not support any of the Presidents that I remember (Mendoza, Sanz, Florentine, Caldron, again Florentine...), his signings politics is vulgar, his estrellonas me fall down fatally (from Zidane and Roberto Carlos who did not tolerate not a "galactic one"), they do not give opportunities to those who go out of the quarry …
There is no way of being excited about a club like that.
This one rat leaves the ship. There sinks Florentine, Cristiano Ronaldo, Raúl, Valdano, Pellegrini and the rest of the troop. I go on from them.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Democracies" from here and of there

The Supreme Court of Peru has ratified the condemnation of 25 years of prison to the Peruvian ex-President, Alberto Fujimori, for being the intellectual author of two slaughters committed by a squadron of the army known as the “Group Hill” like part of a dirty war against possible members of Luminous Footpath.
Meanwhile, all the persons in charge the Spanish version of the “Group Hill”, the GAL, continue at large. Some of these occupy lines zero in the mítines-show of the Spanish socialist party and even grant interviews in his mansion where, in a defense of the terrorism of the State, they go so far as to affirm that "the sewage is very necessary”.

Suicide machine 2.0

Fake the suicide of Machine ”it is a curious web that allows you to destroy your profiles of Twitter, My Space, Facebook and Linkedln in a pair of clicks. It uses slogans as brilliant as “Say good-bye to your life 2.0 with dignity”: “Never give - amigarse it had been so easy!” or: “Does not it do a wonderful time these days?”.
I prepare to fake the suicide of my account in Twitter, to which I was not doing anything of case to him.
The utility of “Fakes the suicide of Machine": scarce. The molonidad: enormous.
[I dress in "Pisito in Madrid"]

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yemen: to squash a popular rebellion with Al-Qaeda as excuse

lately I walk shuffling the following theory: Al-Qaeda does not exist, they are the parents. Or the CIA, I do not realize it very well. One of the two. Or the two, I do not know.
On the pretext of fighting against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, the United States has bombarded the north and the south of Yemen.
In the north a rebellious focus formed on part exists the minority chií of the country that has risen against the government yemení. Approximately 180 dead persons in the civil bombings of last month, the majority.
In the south Socialist - separatist finds a movement, with big force in the territories that shaped the extinct Democratic Republic of Yemen. 64 civil dead persons in only one I bombard three weeks ago.
In short: less to Al-Qaeda, him bombs have fallen down to the whole world.
"Saleh's government worries more about the rebellion Houthi, lit from 2004, which with Al-Qaeda, even if the last one worries us more. The government yemenita also worries with the insurrection of the south and in spite of supporting Saleh in the power at any price. "The extremism" that it fights is a vague formulation that omits the complexities of these multiple uprisings and political challenges. The government yemenita will be undoubtedly happy taking the money and the American and international support to finish with his enemies, but let's not hope that it does anything that comes closer what we want" (Extract of the article “Don't lose perspective on Yemen” of Foreign Policy, for Marc Lynch).

And the fact is that there are days that Al-Qaeda comes like ring to the finger …
[Article about related interest: "The imperialism rests on Al-Qaeda to squash the Revolution in Yemen of the South” of Civilization Socialistic; "Obama kills Obama" of Who Great It Includes; "Obama puts Yemen and Somalia in the Axis of the Evil: War at sight!" of ceronegativo; and "Yemen" of Juan Gelman in Rebellion]

32 top qualifications that do not serve in "Lost"

Next I offer you, reading darlings, a relation of top qualifications that, after seeing five periods of the series "Lost" expressed until now (and for lack of the sixth one, by the beginning of which little more than three weeks are missing), I think that they do not serve for absolutely at all as regards the survival in the island:
Qualified in Library science and Papers
Qualified in Business studies
Qualified in Statistics
Qualified in Managerial Studies
Qualified in Labor relations
Qualified in Occupational Therapy
Qualified in Social work
Qualified in Tourism
Technical engineer of Public works
Technical engineer in Computer science of Management
Bachelor of Administration and Business management
Bachelor of Fine arts
Bachelor of Actuarial and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Environmental sciences
Bachelor of Information sciences
Bachelor of Sciences of the Work
Bachelor of Economic Sciences
Bachelor of Business studies
Bachelor of Political sciences
Bachelor of Audio-visual Communication
Bachelor of Right
Bachelor of Papers
Bachelor of Economy
Bachelor of Oenology
Bachelor of History
Bachelor of Art history
Bachelor of History and Sciences of the Music
Bachelor of Investigation and Skills of Market
Bachelor of Pedagogics
Bachelor of Journalism
Bachelor of Publicity and Public relations
Bachelor of Theory of the Literature and Compared Literature
If you have studied some of the said qualifications, feel happy for not having traveled in the flight Oceanic 815.
I edit: I proceed to extend the list to 33: really Teaching does not serve either: I do not know how I could have obviated it!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Red Son changes!

After one year and eight months from his opening, this blog comes to his end. The reason? Since it is due to the fact that now I am going to have a little less of time to dedicate him to the binnacle and do not want that this one turns into one of these pages that are updated of Easter in Branches and that almost nobody continues. I owe a worthy end to The Red Son, so I am going to give him a sweet death now when we are in the top (there are a few uncles who say that this is one of 20 blogs on politics more indexed of the country!). Of step I leave place in I Love IU to some binnacle that is in the waiting-list, which we walk justitos of space in the house.
But you will not escape from this menda so easily: although with less regularity, I am going to keep on writing extra drops. From now on you will be able to follow me periodically in the blog of my friend Rafa, that is to say, in “Nonentities“. There I will leave my bullshits every week or every two weeks, it depends on how it walks of imagination and time.
If you have The Red Son added to the Google Reader or some another reader of RSS, you can dismiss it: and remember to discharge “Nonentities“ if it is that you did not have it between your favorites!
The team of writing (a chimpanzee with top hat that the coffee and a servant brings to me) is grateful for your loyalty and your contributions during all this time.
We meet!