Needless to say that none of the above mentioned weekly papers achieved that Jan Nilsson was transferring his seducers economic offers, this one deciding to offer to free title his academic work to the blog that now you read.
Without much ado delay here I offer you the Test consisting of six questions at first unconnected. Note down your answers in order to arrange it with the results that appear in the final part:
1 - The glasses of your house …
A) They are those of Nongranary refused, you do not conceive another type of glass.
B) There are millennial duralex glasses: they belonged to your grandmother, and earlier to the grandmother of your grandmother. Glasses like that are not already made.
C) There are a few sad glasses of the Ikea. You cannot make sad.
2 - You have learned to read with …
A) The Pussy cat.
B) Letrilandia.
C) You are functionally illiterate.
3 - The pleasantry of the dog “Mistetas“ …
A) It is, of course, between your habitual jokes repertoire.
B) You know it, but you thought that it was prohibited to count it between human beings with age superior to 8 years.
C) You are a gray type that has no had infancy: you do not know the pleasantry of the dog “Mistetas“.
4 - Your folder of the institute …
A) It was full of lyrics of Eskorbuto and The Prick Records.
B) It had TOI'S adherent stickers (“toi quemao”, “toi colgao” …)
C) You were using rucksack: you needed two hands to defend yourself from the campions.
5 - Of the brothers Scott …
A) You belong to Tony.
B) You prefer Ridley.
C) You are an ancient face and you do not understand the question.
6 - When in a shop you happen for a detector of stolen objects …
A) You press the bottom, being afraid that it sounds.
B) You relax the buttocks trusting in your innocence.
C) To your bottom him the detectors of stolen objects are indifferent.
Every answer "A" Supreme 5 points, every answer "B" supreme 3 and every answer "C" costs 1. If you have obtained:
- Less than 10 points: you are a being that in general not molas not at all. When you go to the forest the wolves light bonfires so that you do not approach. You do not please.
- Between 11 and 24 points: you are sufficiently molón as to have proper section in the cult blog “Malvenido to Gori”.
- 25 points from now on: molas so much that you might inform in a performance of “I Gotta Feeling” of the University of Quebec. You cannot molar any more:
Y... yes, really, everything was a mere claim so that you saw this video. One cheats you with a facility... pobrecillos.
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